I wish I was one of those women who could afford to go to the hairdressers every month.
I love my hairdresser, Kirsty, and I love sitting there drinking coffee and chatting and flicking through ridiculous magazines while someone who knows what they are doing sorts out my grey roots and out-of-shape frizz.
The light is weird in these photos because the flash fired.
2.30 in the afternoon and it's too dark for outside pics.
Roll on the winter solstice on Friday, and let's start the journey back towards the light!
So I treated myself to a haircut.
I had previously treated myself to the spoon ring from a stall at a craft and vintage fair.
Notice how fashion forward I am with my emerald nails - it's next year's colour, apparently.
Since I am also wearing a mustard cardigan and oxblood boots, I am almost unbearably on trend.
Like I give a shit!
And I promise never to use the term on trend again.
Leopard print dress, cardigan and bangle - charity shopped
1980s boots - Second to None, Walsall
I feel slightly all over the place this week.
There are so many different events happening, concerts and parties at school, the PTA is organising discos for the kids, there is a big food shop to do, Christmas cards to deliver, and I still haven't wrapped the presents...
So forgive the random oddness of this post, it's all gone a bit stream of consciousness, and not in a lyrical Molly Bloom's soliloquy sort of way either.
1960s lurex goldmine (should really be silver) in a charity shop this week.
Sadly, this girl is too small for the Mi Size - Fashions for the Bigger Girl dress, but the Dereta maxi skirt fits perfectly.
£2 each.
Lovely Christmas gifts from
Liz - a 1970s dress (great print), eye shadows, and a cool vintage cat for my collection.
Ahh, thanks, Liz!
Blessed are the cheesemakers.
Especially those who make this one. It never fails to make me snigger.
And because I am in a random frame of mind, let me share with you a recent puzzling statistic in my blog's keyword search information.
Some poor misguided soul had googled Large hanging labia and found themselves directed to my blog.
Err... really?
Do they show?
Why didn't you tell me?
Moving on...
Actually, that's all I got.
Even the foliage is giving me trouble today, randomly attacking my hair.
Get off, that cost good money.
I think that search term deserves an almighty -
Ta-Dah, don't you?
I'll be over at
Lakota's, lowering the tone.