Tuesday 1 November 2011

Woodwork squeaks and out come the freaks

I started yesterday looking pretty respectable in a 70s kind of way.

I found this 1970s Clothkits wraparound skirt in Oxfam for a fiver, and intended to sell it on Ebay since I'm not sure this shape suits me. But I'm giving it a try, as I  love the colour and print. What do you stylistas reckon? Ebay or keep?

Wraparound styles are a dangerous business. Just look what can happen...

Do you think all bloggers who post photos of themselves are essentially exhibitionists?

I would never have said I was, but I'm beginning to wonder!

I'm not particularly fond of Hallowe'en; the imported ritual of trick or treating, and buying a new costume every year for the kids doesn't sit well with me. I know, I'm an old curmudgeon. However, some lovely friends were putting on a little party (as a way of avoiding the dreaded trick or treating) so that seemed like a good plan.

And if you're going to a party, you have to dress up, right?

Of course you do! This fabulous 1970s velvet corset dress was on the fancy dress rail in a local charity shop, also for a fiver. I didn't think I could get into it, so I put it on Ebay but it didn't sell.

With industrial strength foundation garments, determination, and the assistance of Eldest LB on zip duty, I managed to fit in it. Just look what it did to my boobs!

I put a spell on the LBs and turned them into Goth Child, Boy Dracula and Little Witch.

Eldest LB was really in character!

Smallest LB pinched the wig I wanted to wear. My hair was similar to this in the 80s. Same texture too.

So I had to go with a different wig and a jaunty little witch's hat.

How is it that I, an actual woman, have managed to transform myself into a man in drag?
That doesn't seem right.

Answers on a postcard please.
You don't think the eyelashes are too much, do you?

Shall I wear them on the school run?

Dracula Boy did not want a kiss from his Drag Queen Mama. Can't think why not.

Had to let her have the wig, she looked so cute.

Hammer Horror! That's my girl, nothing like a costume to make you ham it up!

Does this mean I'm a Hallowe'en convert?
Not really, I just enjoyed the dressing up!

All costumes were from charity shops, ghoulish accessories were bought super-cheap, and the magnificent Boob Crack is all my own work.
With the help of a too-tight frock, hahahaha!


Unknown said...

Nice skirt, love the blue green color mix - Are we exhibitionists, well a bit i guess but who cares, we are having fun! and about the eyelashes never enough eyelashes girl! you look great!

the kids are extra cute!

Ariane xxxx

mispapelicos said...

Love your skirt, uppppppsssssssssss.
You look like a true witchy witch.
Love what you did to the children, hehehehehehehe.

Krista said...

I'll just say keep that wrap around it is a great color on you and looks pretty warm and comfy! Now on to the HAlloween attire, I love you as a black magic woman, complete with beautiful boobies and fake lashes. You look frightfully fantastic.
Ahhhhh the munchkin monsters are my absolute fav!!!!!! If I see one more barbie or princess outfit I'm gonna puke your kids embraced the spooky side and I could not be happier or scared, they look adorable!!!!

Hope the party was fun, glad to hear your celebrating. We need more celebrating in our daily lives, don't ya think ?!

Boo and hugs~

lucy joy said...

Clothkits eh? All the middle-class Guardian readers around here dressed their kids in clothkits stuff when I was young,stood out like a sore thumb amidst the track suits.
I happen to like that length, I own at least 4 skirts which fall mid-calf. The only people who don't suit them are those with 'cankles' which you clearly don't have - keep it; lovely colour and shape (looks even better with the thigh-flash!).

Halloween - you MINX! How sexy you look in that fitted dress - DO NOT reserve it for Halloween only, it's stunning on you. I love the wig, lashes,make-up and the bangers, 10/10 Curtise!

Lucy x

Loo xx from Jumbles and Pompoms said...

Oh yes, Curtise, definitely school run attire! I think you really suit the skirt and who cares if it shows off a bit of your gorgeous pins.

The kids look brilliant, btw. xx

Debberoo said...

Only you could make Halloween all about boob crack (and a magnificent one at that!)

What's not to like about Halloween you crazy witch? Best American holiday evah!

Vix said...

You make the sexiest witch!" Drag queen? Not with that cleavage, missus!! I love it when the fancy dress rail makes an appearance in charity shops, some of my best finds are others idea of a costume!
The kiddies look so cute, even Jon would have shared his Haribos with them.
That skirt is lovely. I adore the colour on you. xxx

Vintage Coconut said...

I would be lying if I said I wasn't even a bit jelous of how you spent Halloween. I usually dress up for fun but did not this year cause I was just staying in to hide out in the basement and watch some movies with Mr.

But when I have kids... I am GOING ALL OUT ON HALLOWEEN! I will make Hubby dress up and I will dress up and kids wil dress up and we will be a costumed family. I CAN'T WAIT!

Your munchkins look Super cute.. even though they are supposed to look scary! *hahah*
And you look rather luscious in your whole witchy get - up. And WOW those lashes would beat out any drag queen to walk the earth! *eheheh* I imagine your boobage was the centre of attention... and if not.. It should have been!

Helga said...

OMG that boob crack is totally SCRUMPTIOUS!Gagging to have something slipped into it....
The lashes are divine,darl!The outfit,is,in fact,superb!All of them!!!You're almost converting me!The kids must have had a blast,and what fun when Mama gets frocked up too!
I LOVE that wraparound skirt,most especially the print!It's a keeper! I do think bloggers are pretty well exhibitionists.We must be,really,to put ourselves out there,looking fabulous and happily receiving compliments! I reckon it pushes me to new heights!

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

I like the skirt on you - I say KEEP! However I like you as witchy mama even more and the LBs look awesome, cute, vamp-tastic and just fabulous - loving goth girlie.

Unknown said...


I like the colour of the wrap skirt but I do ADORE you in a maxi - I think maybe if you chopped a few inches off?

I think you all look FABULOUS (and I cannot get enough of your cleavage!) and the kids all look ghoulishly gorgeous.

And yes, of COURSE we are all narcissistic exhibitionists!

Love, Sarah xxx

Miss Claire said...

Oh you looked wickedly divine!!! And I'm sure a drag witch is the best kind of witch! Re: the wrap skirt, put a groovy coloured slip on underneath! I do that so the static between my tights and the skirt doesn't make the skirt get tangled at the front when I walk, but it's also good if the wind blows it up!


Nelly said...

Of course you will know whatI think of the dressing up.you all look AWESOME.Not into Halloweeen but love dressing up and you look brilliant

Kitty said...

Am I always the last to comment?! Aaargh! Your legs are goddamned SIN-sational woman, I don't know why you cover them up-oh hang on, it's damn cold where you live, eh? well that'll pass for an excuse for the moment-come summer, I WANNA SEE THEM!!!

Unknown said...

I smiled from start to finish you all look fab loving the kids outfits how cute are they ;-)) Keep the skirt it looks great and so do you as a witch to. dee x

Alison Cross said...

*waves* thanks for commenting on m'blog!

I think your outfits look fab - the wrap round skirt flirts with danger...I'd have to put some kind of kilt pin in that before I went out in case of Accidental Top of Tights Exposure.

Witch outfit is fab. False eyelashes also fab - deffo suitable for the school run! One can never have eyelashes that are too much (see: Strictly Come Dancing)


Ali x

Melanie said...

Oh yes, Curtise! I love these wigs!! How much fun you are having, and the wee ones too. I tried false eyelashes but gave up after two minutes. The black and white shot is very cool!